
mtexdata titanium
ebsd = ebsd('indexed');
grains = calcGrains(ebsd);
TITANIUM data loaded in variables

ebsd = EBSD (<a href="matlab:docmethods(ebsd)">show methods</a>, <a href="matlab:plot(ebsd)">plot</a>)
 Phase  Orientations           Mineral       Color  Symmetry  Crystal reference frame
     0   8100 (100%)  Titanium (Alpha)  light blue       622        X||a, Y||b*, Z||c
 Properties: ci, grainid, iq, sem_signal, x, y
 Scan unit : um

Change thickness

The default thickness is equal to the element size at grain boundaries (denoted $s_0$ if a size-gradient is applied). This value can be changed as follows:


Add surrounding medium

One may want to embed the ROI into a prismatic surrounding medium, for instance to evaluate the local behavior of the ROI when surrounded by an homogenized material.

The following command creates a surrounding box of size $dX\times dY\times dZ$ (the ROI is centered along the $X$ and $Y$ directions):

mesh(G,...,'Medium',[dX dY dZ]);


mesh(G,'titanium_medium.msh','elementSize',20,'medium',[2000 2000 200]);

The element size is increasing with increasing distance from the ROI. To set the element size at the borders of the medium, append the mediumElementSize name-value pair argument. E.g:

mesh(G,'titanium_medium2.msh','elementSize',20,'medium',[2000 2000 200],'mediumElementSize',180);

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